Monday, January 26, 2009

Frozen solid

It was way too cold today. I didn't realize it was below zero when I went out to feed the horses this morning. I couldn't understand why my hands got cold so fast in my gloves, to the point of physical pain. So I fed them, cleaned up their stalls a bit, and ran back to the house. The farrier was supposed to come at 9 am, but he called about 8:45 to say that his truck wouldn't start because of the extreme cold. It runs on diesel fuel, which gels up in these temperatures. He finally got here about 12:30, and I just about froze to death just hanging out in the barn visiting with him while he trimmed the horses' feet. At one point, I excused myself and went back to the house so I could feel my toes again. After getting warm, I went back out while he finished the second horse, Sailor. The stalls were trashed from them spending so much time there today, so I cleaned until the pain in my hands and feet got to be too much, and then ran back inside. I have very warm boots and gloves, but I've come to the conclusion that they just don't make them insulated enough to keep me warm. How many months until spring?

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