Friday, September 11, 2009

Busy Busy

Even though I'm on vacation, life has accelerated for me as my campaign for Town Council kicks into high gear. Last night I had to forgo my riding lesson to attend an interview with the local Labor Council. It was a grueling interview in front of about 8 union presidents. I thought I was going to a social "meet and greet" so was unprepared for this. The other candidates ahead of me made formal presentations, and I was totally unprepared. What a nightmare. I was grilled about my beliefs about unions and organizing. When it was over, I thought I would never get endorsed. But I got called by the Council president today, who said I was unanimously endorsed. So I must have done something right.

Tomorrow I go door to door on my street to say hi and let the neighbors know I'm running. I wave to my horses in my travels, and hope to ride again soon.


  1. Congratulations - that's a big job you're taking on - good for you for being involved in your community!

  2. Good thing you are articulate. You must have expressed whatever it was you said quite well.

    My fear of running for office here is town is the time committment, and your experience is telling me a lot.

    Still, I commend you for doing it. Every town needs intelligent, thoughtful officials. It's clear to me you are more than up to the job.
