Saturday, August 15, 2009

The summer of sick cats

It seems we can't have both of our cats heathly at the same time. Now it's Freya's turn to be sick. She's been out of sorts for about a week, and vomited a couple days ago. Then she perked up, so I thought she had just eaten something outside that needed to come out. Then she started with this congested cough, and yesterday morning instead of eating or asking to go out she just laid there. So it was back to the vet's (I must keep them in business). She had a fever about 103, and her throat was filled with congestion. She kept making these exaggerated swallowing motions, and would sometimes cough. The vet said they have seen many cats come in with the same symptoms, and they don't know if it's a virus or something outside the cats are eating (all the cats that have come in are outdoor cats). With the insane amount of rain we've gotten this year, some new kind of plant might be around. It takes almost 2 weeks for the cats to get better, she said. Freya got 2 shots (antibiotic and something to relieve the congestion) and we have to give her prednisone and a fiber capsule to clean out her system. That is loads of fun! Today she is coughing periodically, but is much more active and is eating. So it's good to see her doing better. Meanwhile, Lacey is out running the fields or whatever she does out there. Good thing I have a job to pay my vet bills.


  1. Oh dear, poor Freya. There are few things sadder than a congested animal...cats especially. Wonder what caused it? But, sounds as if your vet is right on top of it.

    Ah, yes, giving a cat medication is always "fun." (not) And as they get better, it gets harder. Do, though, make sure you give her the full dosage and don't give up! (note...catching cat for medication can be fun too, once they figure out the routine.)

  2. Hope she feels better soon - good luck with giving her the meds!
