Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

For Mother's Day, my entire family took my mom out to Friendly's for ice cream sundaes. Given her current state, we figured it was what she could handle. She seemed to enjoy herself (even though she's still groggy from the med she's taking). Afterward, we all went back to the assisted living place where she is staying and visited for a while. She was happy until everyone started leaving. For some reason, she acted like she was there for the first day, and was only looking at the place. She was shocked when I told her she had to stay. Then she got mad and agitated and demanded her car keys so she could leave and go home. She hasn't driven since last August. So the visit started nice but ended unhappy. I'm hoping when we change her medication she won't be as confused so she can understand things better. You can tell she's over medicated because her eyes are only half open like someone who is stoned. I feel bad for her, but we can't make her understand that she cannot take care of herself anymore. The place she is staying is absolutely gorgeous and wonderful, and staffed by extremely caring people. I just wish she was happier.

On the horse side, I let Noble and Sailor down into our front paddock (borders the road) for the first time this year. They ran down the hill like a couple of kids and got all excited when they saw how nice the grass was. So the horses had a good day. And I really think I should get Sailor a grazing muzzle, because she just can't control herself.


  1. Upsetting about your mother, I am sure. Maria Shriver was on National Public Radio today talking about alzheimer's disease this morning. She is hosting a 4 part HBO (guess it was on tonight...I don't have HBO) special on the illness. She talked about how difficult it is to deal with her father when he does not recognize her. She also wrote a book called, "What's Happening to Grandpa." If you look her up on the Internet you'll find some good information. It might help you feel a little better about your mother's reactions to you and where she is.

    Let my Boys graze on my desperately need to be mowed lawn. I can only imagine what they would do in a nice sized paddock full of good grass. Glad your horses had a good time!

  2. Glad you at least had some good time with your mom - it's very hard to see the changes as they get elderly. Glad the horses got some grass!

  3. Thanks Jean, for your kind words.

  4. Thanks, Kate, for the support.
