Monday, May 4, 2009

A real day off

Finally, today I had a day off, and really didn't have to be anywhere, except here in the morning when the vet came. Today was "spring shots" day. Sailor also had a Coggins drawn, and Noble had her teeth done. The vet who came was someone who hadn't been here before, and he was very thorough - and very young and cute! I'd heard about him from some of my friends, but hadn't met him yet. Anyway, he gave Noble an exam, and told me that she has a diastolic heart murmur. Seems there's a lot of noise when her heart fills up with blood. It could be an age thing, or she could have had it her whole life. So he gave her very light sedation to float her teeth. She was good about the whole thing, as usual. He also checked her eyes, and said that she has the beginnings of cataracts. So at 29, age is catching up with even tough old Noble. She hasn't slowed down a bit, though. After the sedation wore off, she was out in the paddock chasing Sailor as usual.

As good as Noble was, Sailor was a brat. She went into a back corner and put her head down when she saw the vet. When I tried to put a halter on, she started jumping around and it got a little dangerous, so he did Noble first. After the second try, I went into Sailor's stall and through the rope around her neck, and caught her that way. What a baby she is when it comes to the vet! And all she had done was a Coggins test, a rabies shot and a 5-way vaccine. It was over in 2 minutes. I'm going to have the vet return to do the West Nile shot, because I found that Noble got really under the weather if I included this one with the others.

In other news, my mom is now in a special "memory care" facility that is beautiful, and has a staff that knows how to deal with someone with dementia. It truly is lovely, and the people are wonderful and very patient. She has a very large room, and we brought her own double bed in yesterday so she will feel more at home. She is calmer than has she been of late, and is a little more lucid. Yesterday I had to take her to the doctor and then we went shopping at JCPenney, which she seemed to enjoy. So things are finally better, even though we don't have her meds figured out yet. I just found out that the staff psychiatrist saw her today and made a slight change. Hopefully we will get there.


  1. Your Noble sounds as good as my Noble (who turns 29 a week from today)! Glad all went well with the vet. And it's particularly nice to hear that things are taking a better turn with your mother - I'll keep my fingers crossed that things continue to improve for her (and you).

  2. I am so glad to hear good news about your mother. The memory care facility sounds to be just perfect. It's so important that caregivers truly understand the kinds of problems such patients have. Bless them all. And bless you for finding the right place for her and her own bed.

    As for your naughty Sailor and gentle Noble...been there. This time, though, all three Boys were quite well behaved, even for their teeth. Of course they were sedated, so the edge was off.

    Noble sounds to be in good shape for her age. My vets did the inoculations in two visits as well. Are your vets taking photographs for the Coggins too? Now the tests here in NJ have three pictures of the horse on them. Used to be just a drawing of the markings.

  3. New York still does the old drawings for the Coggins. Guess we're behind the times.
