Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hay there

Here's our last load of hay for the year. It's the biggest load we've ever put on our little Toyota pickup - 30 bales. We just had 3 miles to go to get home, so it wasn't bad. This is the sweetest, sofest, second-cut hay I've ever seen. It's almost like cotton candy. And of course, the horses go crazy for it. I can't believe it's only July 18 and we already have all our hay for the next year (300 bales).

Here's my husband JD unloading bales from the hay wagon. It's a workout unloading the wagon, loading up the truck, then unloading the truck and putting it up in the hayloft. We don't have an elevator, so it's all done by muscle power (his and mine). We never get second cut this early, but our supplier, Phil, cut one field before our 5 weeks of rain started, so that field regrew, and voila - we've got second cut. What a relief to know we're all set.

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