Monday, March 2, 2009

Enough snow!

I should have gone into work today, but as you can see from this photo, the weather was uncooperative. As bad as the snow is here, it was even worse in southern Vermont, where I work. So it was a very boring day, too much time on Twitter and other such nonsense. Notice that the horses are eternal optimists, grazing in spite of the snow cover.


  1. That is quite the storm! I saw on the news last night that the east was getting hit! We had amazingly warm weather today....a week ago we had snow, too! I doubt it's done this year's been a freakish year for snow around here. Hang in there! Start a good book! :)

  2. Not quite sure my Boys could find anything under the snow. I gave them extra hay in their stalls (open to them all day) to make up for the miserable weather change. We got hit with maybe 8"-9" here in Central NJ, but it was hard to tell for sure with all the blowing around.
