Monday, March 9, 2009

Recovery time

I haven't been on the computer much the past few days because I've been so sick. I mean sick like I haven't been in years. In spite of getting a flu shot, I came down with a god-awful flu that knocked me totally out of commission. The sort of thing where you're either in bed or on the couch, because anything more than that is way too exhausting. I've still got a bit of the nasty hacking cough, but my energy level is returning and the shooting pains through my arms & legs have stopped. Just in time to take care of my husband, who came home from work early with the same thing! So now he has staked a claim on the couch, and I will be responsible for horses, etc.

I actually didn't see the horses from last Friday AM until this morning. They seemed moderately excited to see me, but I think they were hoping for some hay. What they did get was a visit from the farrier, which wasn't what they had in mind. While it's not their idea of a good time, they were their usual good selves for him (which I appreciate, because he's probably the best farrier around here and I'd die if I lost him).

I'm still undecided about going back to work tomorrow, because even slight activity still tires me out. So I'll play it by ear and see how I feel tomorrow morning.


  1. Hope you feel better - there's nothing worse than that awful achy flu! Before you know it you'll be back with the horses.

  2. Oh, my, I am so sorry. I got sick like that last year and ended up off work for nearly three weeks. I went in twice during that time and it was a big mistake, so do make sure you are 100% before you push yourself too much.

    I love my farrier too and he's one of the best around here. I bless him for putting up with Tucker as a he's pretty good, but still gets restless. But my farrier is a master with him. The other Boys are pretty darn close to perfect. I consider good behavior for the farrier an essential!
