Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy weekend

The weekend flew by. Went to visit my mom(who's in assisted living near Albany) and brought her some furniture from her house. Went out to dinner when we got home at a local spot. Guess you could call it a Valentine's Day dinner, although that wasn't the intent (wouldn't occur to my husband). Sunday I had to work at the bookstore for a big author event. Guy from the NY Times with a new book (the Inheritance) drew a ton of people, about 250. So I was very busy getting ready and making sure all ran smoothly, which it fortunately did. My reward today was waking up with a nasty migraine that has managed to stick around all day. So it was pretty much a wasted day.Tough family news: my sister-in-law fell ice skating on Saturday night (they have a backyard rink) and broke her leg (tibia/fibula) just as I did 3 years ago. But hers is less traumatic; she doesn't need surgery, thank god. Still, I feel so bad for her, because I know what a long haul she is facing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, thanks for signing up to follow my blog! I am curious to read more about your horses. I will have to check out your other site. I get migraines too! Not very often (well, maybe one a week or every other week or so.) I know the feeling of a wasted day thanks to a headache. Hang in there! :)
