Friday, February 13, 2009

Warm-up: Brief but nice

Second try at this post: the stupid computer lost its mind and couldn't save it. What I was trying to say is that we had a brief warmup, with the temperature hitting 50 on Wednesday. I took the opportunity to attack the glacier that had formed in the driveway from the house to the barn. After a lot of chopping, I was able to clear a path down to the gravel. But I'm still wearing cleats on my boots, because the daytime puddles become nighttime ice. Even though parts of the paddock are a little icy, the horses are being very careful and seem to be navigating OK. What's turning out to be an annoying problem is that Noble doesn't think she can move to the outer parts of the paddock. So all the manure is being concentrated in a small area. It's getting really nasty. And I can't remove it because it's frozen to the ice/snow cover. When it warms up, the aroma is rather pungent, shall we say. But it's nothing compared to what it will be like come mud season when it all melts into ankle-deep slop. Thank god for muck boots!


  1. Hi Linda,
    We're dealing with the same weather and 'poop/ice' problems. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. If you are looking for the link it is: , I'd love to hear from you anytime. Have a nice Valentine's Day!

  2. Don't you just "love" the way the manure freezes itself right into the ice to form an impenetrable glob? And, oh, yes, it will be even more "delightful" when it starts to thaw.

    I lucked out in my arena and managed to pick it the other day. Needs to be done again, but now it's nice and thawed. Hope more warmth comes your way too.

  3. I was excited to see that you also have a Noble - mine is also 28, a Quarter Horse, but a gelding instead of a mare. We've had ice too this year but not as bad as last year when we had 11 days where the horses couldn't even go outside because of the ice - lots of hand-walking!

  4. Ya gotta love horse keeping in the winter with all it's creative ways to maintain manure.
