Monday, February 9, 2009

Is it spring yet?

It's only Feb. 9, and I don't know how much more of the cold weather I can stand. If I didn't have two hungry mares waiting for me in the barn, I sure wouldn't have been outside at 7 am this morning. With a little warmup over the weekend, then cold temps again, we have a lovely skating rink that leads from my back door to the barn. It's impossible to get there without cleats on my boots. The worst thing is, I know we have a LONG way to go before winter is over. Up here in northern NY, March is just another winter month. Things will get a little better in April, but that's still a long ways away. I need to go someplace warm! I'm seriously thinking about going to visit my friend Cheryl, who packed up her horses and moved to North Carolina for the winter. She's a smart friend!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for your misery. I am totally with you. I have boot cleats too and used them for that awful week before Christmas. We are thawed for the moment, but I don't hold much hope that it will last. Some of the worst storms come in March.

    Haven't had an icy winter like this in over 10 years.

    Just be careful and don't take any changes trying to get around out there.

    5th in the outhouse race? Not bad. I'd say that's worth some bragging rights for a first try. And besides, it gives you all a chance to laugh in the face of the weather.
