Monday, February 23, 2009

Calm after the storm

It snowed all day yesterday, leaving about 8 inches of heavy wet snow on the ground. So I stayed home, doing stuff around the house. The horses were covered when the came in last, and so wet I changed their blankets. Noble even had icicles hanging off her neck and mane. The coats were actually frozen stiff like boards, because by 9 pm the temperature had dropped to about 20 degrees. Lovely! The only way to thaw them is to bring the heavy things in to the basement. Today is colder, but at least it's dry and the sun is out.
Maybe I'll try out the treadmill that I brought from my mom's house.


  1. Sounds like you got our weather one day later! It will be spring (someday)!

  2. Trying again to post. I've had wet blankets in my basement more than once. It's a great place to dry them.

    Did you try the treadmill?
